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Google Doodle Celebrates Father’s Day [2014]

Doodle, Google, Father's Day,
Taking a break (not completely) from the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil, Google tipped its head to fathers around the world with the Os of the logo replaced with a father-son pair with a football in their hand. Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of every June and is now something of a worldwide holiday.

The modern Father’s Day originated about a century ago though celebration of fathers can be traced back to the different ancient civilisations. The modern Father’s Day was founded by Sonora Louise Smart Dodd who got the idea while attending a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909 and the day was founded in 1910 in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA where it was first celebrated on 19 June. Her dad was a single father who was also a civil war veteran who raised six children alone.

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